Humboldt penguins have arrived and they are here to stay!

Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) are one of the seventeen existing penguin species. It is a type of marine bird as it has wings although it cannot fly. They are swimming experts and they spend more time in the water than on the ground. Their small legs make us believe that they are slow and clumsy whilst walking but when they are swimming and trying to escape from their predators they can reach speeds of up to 20 km per hour.

The mainly feed on small fish, plancton and sometimes on cephalopods and crustaceans. These little animals are very sociable and they are capable of living with other bird species such as pelicans. They are also monogamous which means that they only have one partner during their lifetime.

Most people in Europe believe that penguins live in cold climates as the Antarctic although this is not totally true. Three out of the seventeen penguin species do so, but the rest like Humboldt penguins live in warmer regions.

Humboldt penguins have arrived and they are here to stay!

From today you can visit them in their new home.

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